Uplifting Women's core value as an organization is to help women in the local community. Supporting fellow women-run non-profit organizations is a major sector of this. One of these many organizations is Ladies Scouts. Lady Scouts, as an organization, is all about getting involved in the local community and doing all they can to give back. In the summer of 2022, Lady Scouts made a goal to raise $1,400 for Strayhaven Animal Shelter. The $1,400 goal was to help the local shelter purchase a pet brooder. Through hosting a benefit and other local donations, Lady Scout was moving mountains. With a few days remaining in the campaign, Uplifting Women pledged to donate the remaining amount to aid in them reaching their goal. Lady Scouts was able to reach their goal and gifted Strayhaven their pet brooder.
If you would like to learn more about Lady Scouts and what they do visit https://www.facebook.com/LadyScoutsMain